4 Paws Massage


Why Massage?

Massage is nurturing and socializing for puppies, invigorating and energizing for active dogs, and soothing and therapeutic for mature dogs.  It is balancing for all dogs.

Massage works its benefits simply, and is beautiful in its simplicity:

  1. Bullet  Increased circulation.  Massage improves circulation in all areas of the body.  It dilates capillaries, increasing blood flow.  Oxygen and nutrients speed to tired muscles, and toxic wastes are quickly removed. 

  2. Bullet  Increased suppleness and ease of movement.  The mechanical stretching and kneading of muscles and underlying fascia make them more pliable.  The stimulation of oil glands in the skin adds softness to the coat.   The gentle manipulation of joints eases stiffness and improves movement. 

  3. Bullet  Decreased stress and decreased pain.  Massage reduces one’s respiration rate, heart rate and blood pressure.  It increases the production of pain-reducing endorphins. And it feels great!

Welcome to 4 Paws Massage!

Cindy Gingrich

Boylston, MA





$30/session for dogs

(sessions are 30-40 minutes)


Discounts and group rates available